There’s just 2 weeks left before the September 30, 2012 deadline to submit your Nikkei food stories for our special Discover Nikkei Itadakimasu!
You don’t have to be a professional or aspiring writer to participate. The most important thing is that you share your story and be included.
English, Spanish, and Portuguese articles should be about 600–1,200 words. Japanese articles should be about 800 to 1,800 characters. The full submission guidelines are available online:
All stories that meet our guidelines will be published on our website. Plus, our editorial committee will be selecting their favorite stories to feature, translate into all of our site languages (English, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese), and selected stories will be printed on our partner Nikkei publications.
Deadline to submit stories for Itadakimasu! is September 30, 2012 at 6pm (PST).
Since our last update a couple of weeks ago, we’ve published 3 more Itadakimasu stories online with more waiting to be published:
Mochi and Me by Ben Arikawa
Food for Life: Nice Rice by Gil Asakawa
ブラジルのおかきと“ウメボシ” by Naomi Kimura (in Japanese & Portuguese)
Read all 17 Itadakimasu stories >>