Here’s a 1955 photograph from the Museum’s archives! It’s a publicity photo promoting the Hollywood JACL’s Halloween dance that was taken by the Toyo Miyatake Studio for The Rafu Shimpo. The women pictured are president Miwa Yamamoto and Hatsie Matoba.
Holllywood JACL Halloween dance, publicity photo, October 24, 1955 (96.267.302). Photograph by Toyo Miyatake Studio, Gift of the Alan Miyatake Family.
The photo is one of over 9,500 negatives and photographs that are part of the Toyo Miyatake Studio/Rafu Shimpo Collection at the Museum. A selection of 1,131 photos are available online.
Miss Kato, Canadian Rodeo Queen, Los Angeles, California, 1955. Japanese American National Museum Toyo Miyatake/Rafu Shimpo Collection, photograph by Toyo Miyatake Studio, gift of the Alan Miyatake Family. (96.267.316)
Nikkei newspapers like The Rafu Shimpo in Los Angeles and the Nichi Bei up in San Francisco have served important roles since the early Issei immigrants began establishing communities across the United States.
Last spring, our Discover Nikkei team began working on a project to share stories about some of these publications and organize a public program. On April 2, 2011, we presented “From Newsprint to New Media: The Evolving Role of Nikkei Newspaper” in the Tateuchi Democracy Forum in partnership with The Rafu Shimpo, Nichi Bei Foundation/Nichi Bei Weekly, Cultural News, and Nikkei Nation.
The program included a historical overview by Gil Asakawa and presentations by panelists Gwen Muranaka (Rafu Shimpo), Kenji Taguma, (Nichi Bei Foundation/Nichi Bei Weekly), Shigeharu Higashi (Cultural News), and George Johnston (Nikkei Nation). The presentations were followed by a moderated discussion and questions from the audience covering topics such as the coverage of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, as well as local relief efforts; the viability of Nikkei media and the closing of some longtime newspapers in recent years; how can Nikkei media change to be relevant to younger demographics without alienating older generations; and the use and role of social media.