Frank Kikuchi at Manzanar

The Passing of JANM Volunteer, Frank Kikuchi

On December 21, 2022, longtime JANM Volunteer Frank Kikuchi passed away in his sleep.

Born in Seattle on October 21, 1924, he was incarcerated at the Manzanar concentration camp. After the war, Frank relocated to the Los Angeles neighborhood of Boyle Heights and started a family with his wife Tama. They had five children together and were married for 56 years until Tama died in 2004.

Frank started his own market called F and H Market and volunteered at JANM as a docent. When he was not busy giving tours and educating others about the history of Japanese Americans, he loved spending time with his children and going fishing.

Rafu Shimpo obituary on Francis “Frank” Isamu Kikuchi

The Power of a Story: Intern Learns Importance of Personal Histories” by Elizabeth Ishida

Nikkei Album: Frank Kikuchi” by Elizabeth Ishida

“My E.O. 9066 Stories: Frank Kikuchi, Manzanar DJ” by Amy Uyematsu

2 thoughts to “The Passing of JANM Volunteer, Frank Kikuchi”

  1. I loved Frank. I interviewed him many times in 2019 and early 2020 about his experiences in Manzanar and about Ralph Lazo. He was a delightful man. I’m so proud that I had the honor of knowing him.

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