Supernatural: The Art of Audrey Kawasaki, Edwin Ushiro, and Timothy Teruo Watters opens this Saturday!
The exhibition features the work of Audrey Kawasaki, Edwin Ushiro, and Timothy Teruo Watters—artists who have explored some of these otherworldly concepts, illustrating how traditional ideas have evolved and been adapted over time.
The exhibition will be up from February 9 – March 17, 2013. That’s just 5 weeks to come check it out before it closes!
For more details, visit:
Art from the Heart
11AM – 4PM
Celebrate Valentine’s Day and the opening of Supernatural exhibition! Show your love by making art for yourself and others. Participate in art workshops with Timothy Watters and Edwin Ushiro!
Check for schedule >>
Supernatural Opening Party
6:30PM – 9PM
Get mystical with JANM! Celebrate the opening of Supernatural with the artists and some spooky fun—wandering ghosts, a medium, and special treats!
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Learn more about the exhibition and the artists on our Discover Nikkei website. We’ll be adding an interview with Timothy Watters next week:
- Supernatural and the Salon Pop Series: Engaging Next-Generation Audiences with Art and Pop Culture
- The Artist as Ghost Hunter: Edwin Ushiro and Envisioning Spirits
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Here are a few photos from the exhibition installation happening this week. Check our Facebook page for more photos: Supernatural photo album